Workshop with the owners association of Keranigong Local RMG Industry to eliminate child labour

On 18th June 2021, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE), GoB jointly organised a workshop with the employers’ associations and employers of Keranigong Local Garment and Tailoring Industry to determine an action plan to stop recruiting and eliminating Child Labour from the workplace and replace those with the adult workers. A K M Salah Uddin, Deputy Inspector General, DIFE was present as Chief Guest on the occasion while Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General, BLF was chair the program. The program was moderated by BLF Deputy Director Mahmudul Hasan Khan. During the final session of the program, the participants were agreed to eliminate child labour from the workplace and they will work together with DIFE and BLF in this regard. The Government of Bangladesh has taken an action plan to eliminate child labour from Keranigong by 2022 and started working with all the stakeholders in this regard.

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