Training on TOT for Trainer of VGD Project

The Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) programme is the largest social safety net program of the Government of Bangladesh that exclusively target ultra-poor households across the country. To ensure sustainability of development results and to provide women with opportunities to further improved their livelihood of VGD participants, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) have been implementing this project with the support of department of women affairs, GoB in Chagalnaiya, Sonagazi, Daganbhuiyan Upazila of Feni District and Kabirhat Upazila of Noakhali District aiming to improve the social-economic status of 4359 VGD women and make best effort in materializing it. The main objectives are to build the income-earning capacities of VGD women and to socially empower them through training on awareness raising, provider of training on variety of income generating activities (IGAs) provision of credit and other support services during and beyond the food assistance periods.
As part of the activities a Two Days long ToT has been launched in Feni on 19th October 2021. The District Women Officer of Feni has inaugurated the program and asked the participants to implement the fruitfully so that the Government can go another step ahead to achieve Sustainable Development Goal. Among other BLG local Project Coordinator Binoy Bhushon Chowdhury and other local staffs were also attended the training.

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