Training on Personal Hygiene and Reproductive Health for Female Leaders & Potential Leaders of the Tannery Industry

In the day-long training for the female leaders and potential leaders of the Tannery Industry, Sisilia Biswas (Freelancer Consultant) discussed about personal hygiene, use of safe water, sanitation, cleanliness, menstrual hygiene and reproductive health. She also discussed mental health during menstrual time. Abdul Malake, Secretary of Tannery Workers Union was present as a Chief guest. 20 female leaders and potential leaders from six Tanneries and  female workers attended the training. This training was intended to strengthen the knowledge of female leaders and potential leaders. A participatory approach was taken throughout the training session. It is expected that after the training participants will be more aware of their personal and menstrual hygiene. The training was organized by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) at Tannery Workers Union meeting room, TIE, Savar, Dhaka on 22 October 2021.

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