Study Circle Education Facilitation Training for Potential Leaders and Youth Worker

Two days long Study Circle Education Facilitation Training was conducted at TIE, Savar on 07 and 08 May, 2021. The activity was organized by BLF and supported by the Mondiaal FNV under Social Compliance and Labour standards in Leather value chain project. The training started with valuable speech from Md. Abul Kalam Azad, President, Tannery Workers and he is officially opened the 02 (Two) days long training. The aim of the training course was to developed young future leaders of TWU among the young workers through Study Circle Education Facilitation Training and build the capacity of the workers on study circle method of education. A total of 20 (male-20) potential leaders and Youth Worker participated in different 10 factories who will have achieve skill from the training and establish Study Circle and conduct study circle session as well as lead as a factory representative in future.

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