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Action Plan Child Labour English
Natinal Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour From Keraniganj Informal RMG Industries

Timeline: 2021

With the guidance of Ministry of Labour & Employment, GoB; the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) has taken a National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour from Keraniganj Informal RMG Industries. It is committed that Keraniganj will be child labour free by 2023.
Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) with the support of MondiaalFNV has been working in Keraniganj Informal RMG sector since long for its recognitions as an industrial sector. Keraniganj informal RMG consists of about 300000 workers where current study shows that nearly 10% of the workers are below 14 years old.
The sector never goes through any legislation and working in a very
informal manner. The average working hours are at least 13 hours where most of the workers work as piece rate basis. Considering the situation and mandate of the Bangladesh Government to Eliminate Child Labour from Bangladesh by 2025,
they took theKeraniganj child labour as a priority and also make a model for other industrial sector. This NPA is already on board of with a time based implementation plan.
Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and DIFE is jointly working with all related stakeholders such as DC Dhaka, Upazila Parishad, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Police Stations, BSCIC, Local Government, Employers, Employers Associations, Workers, Trade Union, Local Union Parishad Chairman, Local Community Leaders and others.

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