This paper makes the case for improved public disclosure of disaggregated and detailed supply chain data by international buying companies with the aim of increasing respect for the labour rights of workers in international supply chains. We make proposals in the paper for data categories and elements that brands and retailers should eventually include in their facility-level disclosures. With this paper we aim to provide input into current discussions on enhanced supply chain transparency among brands, retailers, fashion conglomerates, workers and/or workers’ organizations, civil society organizations, responsible business initiatives, and governmental actors.

Research & Study

Discussion paper: Towards greater transparency in the leather-based garment, footwear and accessories supply chain

September 2022

This paper makes the case for improved public disclosure of disaggregated and detailed supply chain data by international buying companies with the aim of increasing respect for the labour rights of workers in international supply chains. We make proposals in the paper for data categories and elements that brands and retailers should eventually include in their facility-level disclosures. With this paper we aim to provide input into current discussions on enhanced supply chain transparency among brands, retailers, fashion conglomerates, workers and/or workers’ organizations, civil society organizations, responsible business initiatives, and governmental actors.

Key Words: Transparency, Footwear, Accessories, OSH


The leather-based garment, footwear, and accessories industry is a complex production network. It comprises long supply chains that typically span several countries and link producers of inputs, materials, semi-finished products, and finished goods to consumers of branded products. Opacity and lack of transparency are common in this industry. Corporate actors provide very little insight into their upstream suppliers or downstream customers or into the labour conditions that workers endure. The production of leather itself and leather goods often takes place in low- and middle-income countries and gives rise to serious sustainability issues, including poverty pay, union busting, gender discrimination, occupational health and safety risks, and environmental pollution. Companies systematically neglect the rights and safety of workers. The Covid-19 crisis has made matters worse.


Key Findings


The leather-based garment, footwear, and accessories supply chain is highly complex, involving a great variety of producers, buyers, and intermediaries. This industry has a high level of outsourcing and subcontracting, including large numbers of informal homeworkers. This makes it very difficult to establish links between workplaces at various stages of the supply chain and the companies that sell end-products such as leather jackets, shoes, and bags. Poverty pay, hazardous working conditions, and union busting are rife in the industry. Actors along the supply chain – workers, trade unions, NGOs, companies, investors, and so on – therefore urgently need access to supply chain information through greater transparency to push for improvements in workers’ rights and to obtain redress for rights violations. When rights violations occur, workers, trade unions, and workers’ support organizations need to know which corporate actors have responsibility to address the issues. And enhanced supply chain transparency is also beneficial to companies. The availability of concrete information on unionization, wage levels, and labour rights risks at production facilities supports companies in their pre-sourcing due diligence. Information on buyer–supplier relations also facilitate cooperation between brands and retailers that source from the same production facilities.

Publication Details

Date: September, 2022


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level – 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka – 1205

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