Inter-ministerial co-ordination is much needed to formulate a specific law to prevent harassment and violence at workplace and educational institutions

Inter-ministerial co-ordination is much needed to formulate a specific law to prevent harassment and violence at.....

Project review meeting between Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and Mondiaal FNV.

9th December 2022 at the Conference Room of BLF a project review meeting was held with Ruben Korevaar, Policy Advisor of.....

25 November 2022 | International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

25 November 2022 :: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women “UNITE! Activism to end violence.....

Democracy Human Rights and Labor (DRL) representatives visited Tannery Industrial Estate Savar Dhaka

Keisha Adams, Program Officer and Haley Smith, Program Officer of Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL).....

Bangladesh Labour Foundation launched Workplace Occupational Safety and Health Training Program in Informal RMG with the Support of Brac

Bangladesh Labour Foundation launched Workplace Occupational Safety and Health Training Program in Informal RMG with the.....

Refreshers Training for Tannery workers on OSH | Labour Rights | GBV and Advocacy | Negotiation skills

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a day long non-residential refreshers training on OSH, Labour Rights, GBV.....

Bangladesh Labour Foundation celebrates International Home-Based Workers’ Day

Bangladesh Labour Foundation held special events along with affiliates, allies and associate organizations on the.....

International Home-Based Workers’ Day

A very Happy International Home-Based Workers to all our home-based worker sisters, our members orgs and allies of the.....