Researsh & Study

Child Labour
Baseline Study on child labour in Keraniganj Apparel Hub
Timeline: 2018

Aligned with the SDG Target 8.7, which aims to “eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour” by 2030, the Bangladesh Government has reaffirmed its dedication to eradicating hazardous child labor by 2021 and all other types of child labor by 2025.

In 2015, the Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and the Capacity Building Service Group (CBSG) conducted a research project titled “Baseline Study on Child Labour in Keraniganj Apparel Hub”, which was commissioned by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). The has been active in Keraniganj Apparel Hub to organize workers through associate unions. Most of the apparel for the domestic market in Bangladesh is produced in this area. To generate information and evidence on the current situation of child labour in Keraniganj Apparel Hub as well as assess the progress of the different initiatives taken to eliminate child labour in the country, Bangladesh Labour Foundation and a study conducted this situation analysis study on child labour in Keraniganj. This study paves the way for designing better plans and activities for improving the 

labour standards of workers in general and working children in particular. This study paves the way for designing better plans and activities for improving the labour standards of workers in general and working children in particular.

Objective: The objectives of the Baseline Study were to explore the nature and prevalence of child labour in Keraniganj Apparel Hub and establish the baseline values for socioeconomic indicators. Moreover, discover the attitude of stakeholders towards child and to identify challenges to eliminating child labour, and make recommendations to overcome these challenges.

Methodology: In 2017, the study team adopted an investigation route combining primary and secondary data from relevant sources and used the qualitative data collection method. To update the information, this study utilized various techniques such as FDGs, Profiling, KII, Observation, Desk review and collection of existing data.

Findings: The prevalence of child workers in Keraniganj Apparel Hub is still higher than the national level. The rate of children being involved based on verbal contacts in hazardous labour is very high in this hub. Male child labours are preferred here because they can sleep inside the factories at night and can carry heavy loads of clothes. a large number of child labourers are from the southern parts of Bangladesh and majority have their parents. Most child labourers are working as operators and get a very little amount wage.  Many of them receive only a subsistence allowance. Due to the poverty, so they cannot complete primary education and compelling to work in factories. The apprentices get modest meals and accommodation within the plants. The factory buildings lack sufficient ventilation and space for the labourers to sit and work comfortably. Access to safe drinking water, hygienic latrines and urinals is extremely poor. Taps for drinking water are set up beside the latrines. There are almost no separate toilet facilities for males and females. About one out of 10 working children experience abuse at their workplaces. Physical torture is also in common practice.


  • Facilitate organizing the interest groups or effective labour organizations to protect child labour.
  • Advocate recognizing Keraniganj Apparel Hub as being part of the industry and bring it under the regulatory platform.
  • Influence the public monitoring measures and regulatory framework for proper implementation of government labour policies and the child labour plan of action, etc.

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